Education History

My education history begins from recent year of study to the first year I entered school.

Proverbs 4:13 - Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life - guard it well. (Good News Translation)

Year of begin study and completion Year of Graduation Qualification and Certificate Awarded Educational Institution
2012 - 2015
Doctor Degree of Information Network Systems and Software Engineering
University of Electro-Communication, Tokyo, Japan
    2010 – 2012
Master Degree of Information Network Systems and Software Engineering
University of Electro-Communication, Tokyo, Japan
    2005 – 2008
Bachelor Degree (BSC) of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of the South Pacific, Honiara Campus and Fiji Laucala Campus
2003 - 2004
Foundation Science
University of the South Pacific, Honiara Campus
2000 – 2002
Form 4 – Form 6
Goldie National Secondary School, Solomon Islands
1997 – 1999
Form 1 – Form 3
Gizo Community High School, Solomon Islands
1991 – 1996
  Grade 1 – Grade 6
Gizo Primary School, Solomon Islands
Preschool A
Chung Wah Primary School, Solomon Islands
1988 - 1989 1989 Kindergarten
Chung Wah Primary School, Solomon Islands

Education is helping the child realize his potentialities. ~ Erich Fromm