Development and Policies



DCC Policy Statement


Vision: “An efficient and effective organization in promoting and supporting the economic, social and cultural
development of Choiseul whilst ensuring that environmental resources are used sustainably to enable future generations to enjoy.”

This plan was prepared with technical assistance as well as funding from UN ESCAP Suva office, and the
Ministry of National Planning and Aid Coordination. It came out as a bi-product of the PRA conducted in 2007/2008 Xmas period throughout Choiseul. Communities around the province participated in the PRA exercises and provided valuable information especially the communities around Taro, Batava wards, Paqoe village, three communities in Wagina: Kukitin, Arariki and Nikumaroro; Sasamuqa and Panarui; plus a lot more smaller villages and individuals, too many to list. Youth, women, chiefs, elders, teachers and other employees in the above mentioned communities participated in discussions through questionnaires, and provided in-depth knowledge of community or village governance and priorities. LPA based in Honiara through valuable participatory approach viewed the initial documentation of the PRA report through the consultant’s power point presentations. All Heads of Divisions in Choiseul Provincial Government contributed to the formulation and provided valuable information. Local NGOs especially LLCTC, TNC, Save the Children, all contributed to the information gathering and provided valuable written support during organized workshops. The PGSP project office in the MPGIS Honiara, provided valuable information on PCDF programme for Choiseul and general guidance. The Choiseul Provincial Executives and Caucus were well engaged and contributed to the needed discussion and approval of strategies and visioning exercise that charted out the shaped and substance of this plan. The PS, Treasurer, Chief Planning officer, Planning Adviser, and the Hon. Premier provided valuable contribution throughout, and formed the vital provincial planning committee which oversaw much of the inputs and production. Lastly but not least, the Local consultant Mr. Donald Kudu who provided the technical assistance input overall in the coordination and
production of this three year provincial plan under the direction of the Ministry of National Planning and Aid Coordination.

Ministry of National Planning and Aid Coordination.
April 2009